Harleysville BJJ

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Ricky Royce

Ricky Royce photo Ricky Royce
  • Black Belt - 3rd degree

Ricky Royce began training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2003 as part of the RGDA team with Rosendo Diaz, David Adiv , and Royler Gracie. Ricky continued his training under Rolyer Gracie and Rosendo Diaz, and, in 2009, he received his brown belt. In 2013, after ten years of training, Ricky received his black belt. Ricky currently holds the rank of black belt, 3rd degree. Ricky is a very technical practitioner that is always looking for ways to innovate his Jiu-Jitsu game. Ricky has a very decorated career as a grappling competitor and dominated the local tournament scene for that latter part of a decade. In addition to teaching and training in Jiu-Jitsu, Ricky is a certified English teacher with a Master's degree in education.